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nie wolno Ci wchodzić dalej !
Pozostając na tej stronie, wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Traffic Partner Limited Twoich danych osobowych, które udostępniasz w historii przeglądania stron i aplikacji internetowych, w celach marketingowych (obejmujących zautomatyzowaną analizę Twojej aktywności na naszych stronach internetowych i w aplikacjach w celu ustalenia Twoich potencjalnych zainteresowań i dostosowania ich do twoich preferencji) Jednoczesnie wyrażasz zgodę na korzystanie z plików cookie oraz akceptujesz regulamin i zapoznałes się z naszą politykę prywatności. zgodną z art. 13 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE
Warszawa,Poznań,Kraków,Wrocław, Anonse mężczyzn > Zasponsoruje
"If his gentle side makes you weak, and his dominant side makes you wet"
I would like to start by asking you to read my advert to the end before contacting me. This helps to avoid misunderstandings.
I am a highly educated, cultured man in my late 40s, with impeccable manners, taste and inherent class. I believe I am objectively handsome and charming, slim and very well-maintained. I am single, but due to my professional commitments and busy lifestyle I do not have the time to look for a suitable partner through traditional ways. Hence my presence here.
I am purely dominant in both my professional and personal life, and have a very powerful character. At the same time, I am a man who combines a kind nature with an intense sexuality.
I am looking for a very submissive woman who dreams of being in some form of Dom/sub relationship, who truly wishes to feel that she literally belongs to a strong and caring man. Someone who finds great pleasure, excitement, self-fulfilment, and even true happiness, in being an obedient and devoted partner. Such a woman will receive my full care and support, both material and emotional. I will make you feel special, safe, secure and happy.
Further details, including the financial and sexual aspect, will be discussed in our private correspondence. In terms of location and the financial matter, I am flexible and willing to consider any kind of arrangement in order to make this work. These things are not an issue for me. The most important for me is to find the right woman, and then nothing else matters, I can move mountains and make everything happen.
My expectations about you:
- Preferably up to 30 years old, (but generally age does not matter to me if there is good chemistry)
- Slim and firm body, pretty face
- Kind, gentle and delicate disposition
- Honest and trustworthy
- Very submissive by nature
- Absolutely committed to pleasing your partner
- Sexually very open-minded, or simply eager to explore your limits
- Non-smoker
Desirable characteristics (but perhaps not necessary):
- Single, looking for an exclusive relation with one man only
- Willing to travel or relocate
- Speaking some English, or willing to learn
In case my advert will sound a bit formal or ‘stiff’ to someone, I would like to say that I may be demanding, but I am actually a warm and affectionate man.
I am expecting only serious replies, necessarily with genuine photos and some basic information about yourself, your needs, sexual preferences, etc. Of course I guarantee 100% discretion and confidentiality. I am a serious businessman, and I would not waste my precious time and post a paid advert on here just to gather photos, while there are millions of them on the internet. An intelligent woman who reads my advert should be able to recognize this, I believe it is more than obvious.
Please understand that this advert is addressed to women who are seriously interested and absolutely determined to be in this kind of relation. I am not interested in ‘professionals’ or escort agencies, nor in single, one-off meetings.
If you think we may be a perfect match for each other, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

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ID: #140044
Podbity: 2025-03-18, 16:44
Anonse mężczyzn > Zasponsoruje
Cała polska
, Cała polska
Moje preferencje
Cel spotkania: Sponsoring | Upodobania: Sex oralny, Sex tradycyjny, Sex analny, Szpilki, Deep throat, BDSM, Dominacja, Eksperymenty, Wynagrodzenie miesięczne, Inne, Inny, Wynagrodzenie za spotkanie, Dominujący/a,
Mój wygląd: kolor włosów: Brunet(ka) | kolor oczu: Brązowooka(ki) | wzrost: 183 cm | waga: 80 kg
Mój styl: wykształcenie: Podyplomowe | stan cywilny: Singiel
Preferowane godziny kontaktu: Poniedziałek - Piątek: -, Sobota: -, Niedziela: -
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