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Warszawa, Anonse kobiet
"Tantric Dominance"
Place your hand in your heart.
Good Boy.
Now, I want you to start breathing into your hand, into your heart.
Slower, deeper.
Yes, feel the energy inside of your heart.
More, I want to hear you.
Ok, now take a deep breath in,
And with the exhale send this whole energy
Down to your cook.
Yes, Good Boy.
Feel it, the pulsation inside of your cook.
Now, take of your pants.
I said, take it off. Now.
Yes. Now show me your cook.
Breath into it.
Good Boy.
Now I want you touch it.
Show me how you pleases yourself.
Look into my eyes.
Stay focused, listen to me.
Slower. Yes, just like that.
Good Boy.
Now, …
I’m curious, if you finding it exciting?
The game where I’m your Mistress, and you are doing exactly what I want you to do. Maybe in your day to day life you are the one who is setting the rules and holding a lot of responsibility. We both probably know how exhausting it may be. What if I tell you that: here is an alternative realm, where you can settle down, switch off your mind, and surrender to my guidance while fulfill your secret desires? Is that something you finding attractive?
Ok, so let’s play Mistress and Good Boy. I’m her to take care of you in a safe way. For mine and for your pleasure. If you will be a Good Boy, ofc! If not, oh well, I will find a way to punish you. Will you take a risk?
My name is Sara and I am passionate about Tantric Dominance. I was studying it with the best international facilitators, so yes, I know what am I doing and how to approach the experience that will drives you crazy and makes you feel blissful after.
Let’s play on the edge of your fears and pure imagination.
For who?
For intelligent, respectful, good established and well maintained man, who is brave enough to explore something new, and something much deeper than he may even imagine.
So, I would love to offer you a Tantric Dominance session. Sessions takes about 3hours and costs 3500zł.
There is also possible permanent agreement, which coast you 10000zł per month. I am your Mistress and you are my little slut.
All the agreements we will discuss before the session to make your experience safe and unforgettable.
We gonna meet in a BDSM studio that you’re paying for.
Mówię po Polsku.
30yo beautiful blonde, with deep blue eyes
55kg, Goddess/Angel type
168cm / could be an 60’ / 70’ actor
Whatever, I’m incredible hot and gorgeous
(yea, I know you also want to know this)

Moje preferencje
Cel spotkania: Sponsoring | Upodobania: Szpilki, Przebrania/Kostiumy, Klapsy, Szarpanie za włosy, Ostre słówka, BDSM, Femdom, Fetysz stóp, Fetysz butów, Skóra, Masaż, Lateks, Krępowanie, Dominacja, Tresura, Deptanie, Podduszanie, Chłosta, Opluwanie, Policzkowanie, Eksperymenty, Wynagrodzenie miesięczne, Wynagrodzenie za spotkanie,
Mój wygląd: wzrost: 0 cm | waga: 0 kg
Preferowane godziny kontaktu: Poniedziałek - Piątek: Dowolne, Sobota: Dowolne, Niedziela: Dowolne

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