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Jeśli nie ukończyeś 18-go roku życia, nie chcesz oglądać tego typu treści lub jest to niezgodne z prawem twojego kraju,
nie wolno Ci wchodzić dalej !
Pozostając na tej stronie, wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Traffic Partner Limited Twoich danych osobowych, które udostępniasz w historii przeglądania stron i aplikacji internetowych, w celach marketingowych (obejmujących zautomatyzowaną analizę Twojej aktywności na naszych stronach internetowych i w aplikacjach w celu ustalenia Twoich potencjalnych zainteresowań i dostosowania ich do twoich preferencji) Jednoczesnie wyrażasz zgodę na korzystanie z plików cookie oraz akceptujesz regulamin i zapoznałes się z naszą politykę prywatności. zgodną z art. 13 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE
Kraków,Warszawa, Anonse mężczyzn > Zasponsoruje
"have would disappear overnight"
Looking for something serious. :)
Hi, I am a 37 year old foreign entrepreneur who has been living in Krakow for 2 years. I moved here after selling my business and I am in the process of setting up a new company which I hope to sell again in a few years. Now that I have a great quality of life, I can afford pretty much anything I want and have the free time to do whatever I want. I have worked hard over the last 10 years, and unfortunately this came at a cost to my personal life. I am now looking to meet an attractive and intelligent partner who I can have a serious relationship with.
So a bit about me, I like to think I am an intelligent, positive, nice and honest guy who treats other people with respect. I am a very sociable person and get on well with people. I have dark hair and am 176cm. My philosophy is to work hard and to also play hard. Life is short enough, so you may as well enjoy it.
Like with everything I do I have high standards and when I look for a partner I also have high standards. So what am I looking for ? I am looking to meet an attractive and classy woman ideally between the ages of 25 and 35 but I am open to other ages as well. She must be intelligent, honest and fun loving. I am looking for someone to be my life partner and I need someone who can also challenge me.
What can I offer ? If you are tired and find life a struggle then I can guarantee that I would fill your life with fun and excitement. I can offer a millionaires lifestyle to someone. Any financial problems you have would disappear overnight. I would also make you my number one priority.
I know what this site is for and I am not looking for a sponsoring type relationship. Its important that both of us find some type of attraction in the other person and that's the only way I would go ahead with anything as I am not looking for someone who sees me purely as a cash machine and has no other feelings for me. But if there was a mutual attraction then any problems financial or otherwise would disappear and you would be extremely well looked after
So if what I have written above interests you, please send me a mail telling me about yourself, what you do, where you live etc. A photo is also a requirement :) After that I would suggest we meet up for a coffee and see how we get on.
Thanks for taking the time to read this far :)

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ID: #38305
Podbity: 2011-01-08, 13:46
Anonse mężczyzn > Zasponsoruje
, Cała polska
Moje preferencje
Cel spotkania: Sponsoring | Upodobania: Sex tradycyjny,
Preferowane godziny kontaktu: Poniedziałek - Piątek: Dowolne, Sobota: Dowolne, Niedziela: Dowolne

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